With the competition for new market share increasing daily, especially on the Internet, the reason you are reading this is because you have decided to conquer online, and now you need to download a program to help you. You probably had an idea of what type of program would work for you and where to download it from. There are two main types of programs that you can download to help you download and install applications in Windows. They are freeware and shareware.
Freeware is a type of software that you can download for free to help you get started with online applications without having to pay a penny. It allows you to get the application for free but requires that you agree to their terms and conditions before you can download it. This means that the application is completely unlicensed and you could get yourself into trouble if you download the software and then use it. So, as a consumer of free software you need to be very careful about downloading any application that you receive as freeware. It's just as safe as if you bought it as you could end up getting yourself into trouble.
Shareware is a type of application that will give you access to an application for a certain amount of time before it expires. It is available for download and then you have to purchase the software in order to continue to use it. The key to using these types of applications is to find the one that fits best with your needs and desires the most. If you can download them for free and use them on the Internet then you are most likely better off. If you need to download a program for your PC then the best place to find a download for the application is to search for it on the Internet or purchase it at a price that you feel comfortable with.